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Kaikkia levyjä voi tilata viestillä, silloin pystyn hiukan paremmin pyöristelemään hintoja.
Postikulut: 1 – 3 singleä 4,60. Yli 4 singleä ja/tai yksi tai useampia LP:itä 5,90.
The Vapors: Crazy / Together 7″ 9,00
Manserock-Orkesteri: 20 Vuotta Sikana 7″ 10,00 (Manserock-näyttelyn oheistuote, jota saa vain Museokaupasta ja Hiljaisilta Levyiltä, ei löydy levykaupoista)
The Pull My Fingers: Memoirs of a Raccoon (LP) 22,00 ja paketti tämä LP + Factory / Wonder If The Man’s Still Alive 7″ yhteensä 25,00
Batmobile: Brace For Impact 18,00
Bow Wow Wow: When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going 18,00
Cabaret Voltaire: 7885 (2LP) 28,00
Elvis Costello: Extreme Honey (The Very Best Of The Warner Bros. Years) 20,00
Elvis Costello: Spike 20,00
Elvis Costello & The Attractions: All This Useless Beauty 20,00
Dropkick Murphys: Okemah Rising 24,00
Orchestral Manoeuvres In: Organisation 20,00
Pixies: Head Carrier 18,00
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers: Modern Lovers 88 24,00
Stiff Little Fingers: BBC Live In Concert (2LP) 26,00
Tuff Darts: Tuff Darts! 16,00
Wingmen: Wingmen 36,00
X: More Fun In The New World 20,00
Discharge: Massacre Divine 22,00
Dickies: Killer Klowns From Outer Space 26,00
Stiffs: Singles Collection 1979 to 1985 NEW LP (black vinyl)
G.B.H: City Baby Attacked By Rats 24,00
G.B.H: City Babys Revenge 22,00
Mad Parade: 1000 Words 24,00
Kiima: Simpele – Parikkala All Night Long 86 to 90 NEW LP (black vinyl)
VS: 7″ & Demo (1978/1980) 20,00
English Dogs: Mad Punx & English Dogs (plus 82 Demo) 22,00
Reagan Youth: Regenerated (early versions of your favorites) 22,00
Urban Waste: NYHC Document 1981 to 1983 24,00
Partisans: The Time Was Right 22,00
Blitzkrieg: No Compromise 1981 to 1983 Vol 1 22,00
Blitz: Voice Of A Generation (black vinyl) NEW LP
Blood: False Gestures For A Devious Public 22,00
Adicts: 27 22,00
Adicts: Sound Of Music 22,00
Breakouts: Teeth in The Gears (discography 79 to 83) 22,00
Crack: In Search Of the Crack 22,00
Dark: All This And More 22,00
Action Pact: Mercury Theatre On The Air! 20,00
Wall: Personal Troubles And Public Issues 29,00
Kumikristus: 1985 to 1986 NEW LP (black vinyl)
Mielenhairio: 1985 12,00
Joneses: Jonesin’ Vol 1 Complete Discography 22,00
Joneses: Jonesin’ Vol 2 Complete Discography 22,00
Lloyds: Lets Go Lloyds 22,00
Modernettes: Eighty Eighty Two 22,00
Demented Are Go: In Sickness & In Health 22,00
Demented Are Go Present… The Demon Teds: The Day The Earth Spat Blood 22,00
Chronics: Do You Love The Sun 20,00
Clockwork Criminals: Clockwork Orange 1980 / 82 24,00
Exterminio: Demo 84 14,00
White Flag: S Is For Space 24,00
Gammacide: Contamination: Complete (Discography 1987-2005) (2 * LP + 10″ + DVD) 29,00
Jetz: If Thats What You Really Want 1977 to 1979 22,00
Sado Nation: Sado-Nation EP 9,50
Menace: I Need Nothing EP 9,50
Siberians: All Gone Red Not All Red EP 7,50
Destrucktions: 40 Years Later EP 12,00
General Accident: Look Alright / Trouble Makers 7,50
Max And The Makeups: S/T 6,00
SST: Close Encounters Of The Third Kind EP 7,50
Clash & Ranking Roger: Rock The Casbah 15,00
Alan Parsons (with Chris Thompson): You’re The Voice 8,00
Stratovarius: Black Night -Coloured- 7,00
Stratovarius: Future Shock -Coloured- 7,00
Mean Silver Machine: Mean Machine 19,00
Pop-Idolit: Live At Saurio 7,50
Lama: Complete 1980 to 1983 16,00
Sonny Vincent: Anthology 72-02 16,00
Various: Sudden Death 9,00